Annual Business Meeting
JUNE 12 – 14, 2024
AC Marriott Hotel & Headwaters Foundation Confluence Center
Missoula, Montana
Workshops by:
As an arts administrator and consultant, Jessica holds special interest in amplifying the power of arts and culture to catalyze positive social change, connect individuals across a wide array of lived experiences, and draw focus to the existing strengths of communities. She supports arts and culture organizations in their exploration, understanding, strategy development and implementation of “DEI” (diversity, equity and inclusion) access, belonging and justice work. Jessica is passionate about building individual and organizational capacity to recognize and utilize power and advantage to reimagine the way arts organizations exist.
From 2012-2017, Jessica served as Director of Education and Community Engagement at the Boston Symphony Orchestra, providing internal and external leadership for BSO education and community engagement programs. Since January of 2016, she has offered consulting services via Orchestrate Inclusion (orchestrateinclusion.com), serving as an external partner to orchestras and other performing arts organizations as they create and implement strategies toward greater diversity, equity and inclusion within their organizations. Jessica served for three years as Senior Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisor to the League of American Orchestras. Her consulting and workshop clients have included the Aspen Music Festival and School, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Cleveland Chamber Choir, Columbia Gorge Orchestra, Grant Park Music Festival, Illinois Philharmonic, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra, Lexington Philharmonic, National Repertory Orchestra, New England Conservatory, New Jersey Symphony, Orpheus, Pacific Symphony, Philharmonia Baroque, Princeton Symphony and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Jessica has served as a speaker/presenter for conferences including the Association of British Orchestras, International Conference of Symphony Orchestra Musicians (ICSOM), League of American Orchestras and Regional Orchestra Players Association (ROPA).
Prior to arriving in Boston, Jessica was the Senior Director of Community Programs at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the Education Coordinator at the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Jessica received an MA in Arts Administration and an MBA from Southern Methodist University and completed her undergraduate education at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN where she studied horn performance and political science. She is a graduate of the 2015 LeadBoston Program, an executive leadership program focused on social responsibility administered by the YWCA Boston and has completed the Interaction Institute for Social Change’s Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work training, Racial Equity Institute’s Phase 1 Workshop and AORTA’s Facilitate for Freedom Fundamentals training. She is active in the recently formed national Deep Equity Practitioners Network (DEPn) and is a trained Mediator, having completed forty-hours of mediation training in 2020 in accordance with M.G.L. ch.233 § 23C with MWI in Boston. Jessica is also a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Developmental Inventory.
A long-time leader in the arts marketing arena in Portland, Oregon, Jim Fullan has held chief marketing, communications, and sales positions with the Oregon Symphony and the Portland Opera where he worked collectively for 23 seasons.
A hallmark of his work for both organizations was an enviable 60/40 ratio of earned to contributed income. His passion for the strategic use of data analytics, combined with his ability to nurture existing audiences while attracting new ones, assured both institutions of steadily growing subscription and single ticket audiences and provided their development departments with a healthy supply of new donors.
Always eager to share, he helped numerous organizations win additional revenue from his pioneering work in demand-based pricing in the arts arena, and he was a perennial presenter at Opera America’s annual conferences. During his six years with the Oregon Symphony, he and his team tallied up over $50M in ticket sales, and in his final season helped the 120-year-old institution set an all-time high in ticket revenue.
After leaving the Oregon Symphony in 2017, he established an arts marketing and organizational development consultancy practice and has counted among his clients the Bozeman Symphony Orchestra, Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theatre, OrpheusPDX, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Corrib Theatre, Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble, Opera in the Park, and Cappella Romana, among others.
Few things please him more than helping arts organizations earn more revenue and have fun in the process.