Voice. Advocate. Partner.

The Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras is the network, the voice, and the forum for orchestral music in Montana. For over 40 years, Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras has been the state’s premier professional network of organizations and individuals linked together by their passion for music. We are a collaborative, vibrant community of professionals, musicians, conductors, artist managers, emerging leaders, donors, patrons, and trustees.

With outstanding resources tailored to meet the needs of our membership, Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras is dedicated to keeping the flame of orchestral music alive through the collaborative insights and a shared vision of its members. We accomplish this by supporting and promoting our members’ dynamic concert seasons, networking, a biennial professional development conference, and ongoing advocacy work. Membership in Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras signifies your commitment to the profession, to the advancement of orchestral music in Montana, and to your own professional growth.

orchestra symphony instruments violin

Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras’s Current Members

Join MASO to gain access to a thriving statewide community.


Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras gives voice to orchestras in Montana at the state and national levels.


Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras dedicates approximately 1/3 of its annual budget to directly support our members’ youth and rural outreach programs. We also promote events hosted by our member organizations in our monthly newsletter and on our website.

Professional Development

Montana Association of Symphony Orchestra’s biennial professional development conference, remote workshops, and member cohort meetings offer opportunities to learn from top professionals and network with peers.


With Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras, you become part of a community of colleagues who understand your needs and share a passion for orchestral music.

Exclusive Resources

Montana Association of Symphony Orchestras offers grant opportunities, advocacy, and professional development resources through our website.

Shared Music Library

Members gain access to our statewide catalog of music. This music exchange program allows up to $3,000 of new music purchases every year, which saves orchestras the considerable cost of commercial score rental or purchase.